Dr. Pulakesh Chetia

Dr. Pulakesh Chetia









North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST)

2024 Design


North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST)


Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Automation (CIMA)


GIMT, Gauhati University


Mechanical Engineering


Salt Brook Academy, Dibrugarh




Don Bosco High School,  Dibrugarh




Personal Interest

Travelling, Playing Bass Guitar, Hangouts

Working Experience

Position/Responsibilities Duration  Organization
Assistant Professor Jan 2020 - Present Assam down town University

OSD, Office of Pro Vice Chancellor (Addl. Charge)

Oct 2022 - Present Assam down town University




Funded Research Projects:

1. "Multifunctional Seed Sowing Machine for Agricultural Purposes", Funded by ASTEC, DST, Govt. of Assam under ITGA Scheme.

2. "Design and Fabrication of Bio digester and Production of Bio gas using Water Displacement Method", Funded by ASTEC, DST, Govt. of Assam under Students Science Project Scheme, 2020.

3. "Design and Fabrication of Smart Bin", Funded by ASTEC, DST, Govt. of Assam under Students Science Project Scheme, 2021.

4. "Design and Fabrication of Bamboo fiber reinforced Household Tiles Embedded with Fish scale Powder as Natural Filler", Funded by ASTEC, DST, Govt. of Assam under Students Science Project Scheme, 2022.

5. "Fabrication & Characterization of Natural Fiber embedded with Nano SiO2 as a structural material for Engineering Applications", Funded by AdtU under Seed Money Grant, 2022.

Intellectual Property Rights: 

1. Design Patent Accepted and Published with Application No. 340364-001 for "Multifunctional Seed Sowing Machine", Journal No. 11/2022, Journal Date 18/03/2022.

2. Design Patent Accepted and Published with Application No. 376192-001 for "Paint Spray Gun", Journal No. 05/2023, Journal Date 03/02/2023.


  • J. Tapadar, Raj Thakur, P. Chetia, S.K. Tamang, S. Samanta, “Modeling of WEDM Parameters while machining Mg-SiC Metal Matrix Composite”, International Journal of Technology (2017) 5:37-45, ISSN 2086-9614 [Web of Science, Scopus Indexed].
  • Pulakesh Chetia, Sutanu Samanta, Thingujam J. Singh, “Parametric Optimization in Drilling of Bamboo/Basalt Hybrid Composite”, 7th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 5544-5552 [Scopus Indexed].
  • Pulakesh Chetia & S. Samanta, “Dry sliding wear behavior of Bamboo/Basalt hybrid composite”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (2020), Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2020.1860501 [Web of Science, Scopus Indexed].
  • Pulakesh Chetia, Diju Kr. Baro, Sachindra Mahto, "Comparative study of free vibration characteristics of flexible kinked cantilever robotic arm", International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-022-01110-w [Web of Science].
  • Debrup Sarkar, Pranjal Borah, Sutanu Samanta, Nabam Teyi, Pulakesh Chetia, Roktutpal Borah, "Tribo-performance of saw dust filled natural fiber – Glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites: Modelling and optimization" Materials Today: Proceedings (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.11.326 [Scopus Indexed].
  • Roktutpal Borah, Karanjit Kapila, Pranjal Borah, Nabanita Daimary, Pulakesh Chetia, "A Comparative Study of the Effect of Natural Fillers Embedded in Jute/Basalt Hybrid Composite" Materials Science Forum (2023), ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1082, pp 15-24 [Scopus Indexed].

Book Chapters:

  • Pulakesh Chetia, Roktutpal Borah and Nabanita Daimary, "Parametric Optimization in Tribological Properties of Bamboo and Basalt Hybrid Composite", Research Trends in Science and Technology (2022), AkiNik Publications, ISBN: 978-93-5570-344-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/ed.book.1907.  

Conferences Attended:

  • Presented a paper titled "Effect of payload in optimizing free vibration characteristics of a kinked cantilever beam" in the International Conference on Experimental and Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICECMM 2021) held at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, India on 28-29 September 2021.
  • Presented a paper titled "Effect of kink mass in optimizing dynamic response of kink cantilever beam" in International Conference On Optimization Techniques In Engineering & Technology, Organized by Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida, (U.P), India during 8-9 July, 2022.

Awards & Achievements

  • Certificate course in CAD/CAM Pro-E from MSME Tool Room & Training Centre, Guwahati (A Govt. Of India Society)
  • Attended the Two Months training course on “Power Plant Familiarisation” conducted by National Power Training Institute, North Eastern Region, Guwahati.
  • Participated in the “4th INDEST User Convention (E-Journals User Training Workshop)” organized by the AICTE-INDEST User Committee, NERIST.
  • Participated in the short-term training programme “CADD EXCELLENCE (COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN & DRAFTING)” under TEQIP sponsored organized by NERIST.
  • Attended a training programme on “Training on Industrial Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Systems” under “Institute-Industry Interaction Programme (IIIP)” sponsored by World Bank Project (TEQIP-II).
  • Participated in the GIAN course on “Analysis of Non linear Problems by the Finite Element Method” by Prof. R.C. Batra from Virginia Tech, USA held at MNIT, Jaipur.
  • Participated in a TEQIP sponsored workshop on “Mechanics of Reinforced Polymer Composites” held at IIT, Kanpur.
  • Served as the Cultural Secretary and Finance Secretary of “ASSAM STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATON OF NERIST (ASAN)” for the tenure of 2015-16 and 2017-18.
  • Served as the Cultural Secretary and two times General Secretary of “NERIST RONGALI BIHU CELEBRATION COMMITTEE (LUIT)” for the year 2015, 2017 and 2018 respectively.
  • Served as the Assistant Prefect of Brahmaputra Hostel, NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), Arunachal Pradesh for the tenure 2018-19.
  • Served as the Convenor, Vice President and General Secretary of “NERIST RESEARCH SCHOLARS’ ASSOCIATION (NRSA)” for the tenure 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively. 
  • Attended a two day workshop on "Online Basic Training on use of ICT in Teaching" organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University under PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
  • Received 2nd Prize on a guided project awarded to Mechanical students on National Science Day Celebration 2020 at Assam down town University.