Dr. Sangita Boro

Dr. Sangita Boro







First Class in Diploma in Intellectual Property Law from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, (New law College) Pune, Maharashtra


Second Class in M.Sc. Microbiology from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, (Yashwantrao Mohite College) Pune, Maharashtra


First Class in B.Sc. Medical Microbiology from H.N.B. Garhwal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand


Second Class in Higher Secondary Examination from Don Bosco Junior College Azara, Guwahati


First Class in HSLC examination from St. Mary’s High School Maligaon, Guwahati

Personal Interest

Dancing, Writing, Travelling

Working Experience



Position Held



Assistant Professor

Assam down town University.

26/4/2014- present



1/9/2013 -21/4/2014



  1. Sangita Boro & Manash Pratim Sarma (2016); Helicobacter Pylori and Steps for its Elimination: A Review; Global Journal of Medical Research: 16(4); 30-36
  2. Sangita Boro, Bhriganka Bharadwaj, B.G. Unni (2016); Prickly Amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus Linn.): a Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities; American Journal of Pharmtech research; 6(5); 81-92
  3. Rahnam Berceroy Jyrwa, Sangita Boro, Bhriganka Bharadwaj (2017); Flemingia vestita- A review on the unexplored plant from the North East India; World journal of pharmaceutical and Life sciences;  3(1); 650-658
  4. Jayashree Majumdar, Sangita Boro, Bhriganka Bharadwaj and Balagopalan Unni (2017); Phytochemical analysis and isolation of compounds from methanolic leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus and its antimicrobial effect against Staphylococcus aureus; World journal of pharmaceutical and Life sciences; 3(7); 100-103
  5. Avra Pratim Chowdhury, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin, Sangita Boro, Raja Chakraborty (2018);  A Review on Home Yard Medicinal Plants Commonly Used in Diabetic Treatment; Advances in Nutrition and Food Science; ANAFS-102.   Vol1
  6. GC-MS profiling and assessment of antioxidant and antibacterial properties of oil extracts of Sichuan pepper; International Journal of Botany Studies; 2021, 6 (5); 1292-1297
  7. Assessment of the antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity of Flemingia vestita root extract; International Journal of Botany Studies; 2021, 6 (6); 72-76
  8. Phytochemical and antioxidant activity of Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus and their antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus;  International Journal of Botany Studies; 2021, 6(6); 148-152
  9. Phytochemical analysis and identification of bio-active compounds in ethanolic leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus; Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology; 2023, 16(8); 3685-3690
  10. Antagonistic activities of pharmaceutical probiotics and prebiotic from fermented food products against selective human urinary pathogen; Journal of chemical health risks; 2023, 13(6);1493-1502
  11. Raw milk quality: Forage Type- Dependent Variation in Lactic Acid Bacteria Prevalence and Abundance; Revista Electronica De Veterinaria; 2023, 24(2); 182-196


  1. Participated in Chandigarh Chapter & Scientific Seminar on World Biomedical Laboratory Science Day on 15th April 2009 organized by All India Medical Laboratory Technologists’ Association State Unit, Chandigarh, India.
  2. Participated in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Infectious Diseases held on 14th February, 2011 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Microbiology, BVDU, YMC, Pune.
  3. Poster presentation on “CITRATE SYNTHASE ; THE SAVIOUR OF FUTURE GENERATION” at Biotechnology for better tomorrow-2020-  organized by Department of Microbiology Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University and Microbiologists Society, India (22nd January 2012)
  4. Participated in the seminar “Recent Advances in Health Sciences” organised by AdtU sponsored by All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) held on 21st March 2015.
  5. Poster presentation on “Isolation of compounds from methanolic leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus and its antimicrobial effect against Staphylococcus aureus” at 57th International annual Conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI-2016) Jointly organized by Gauhati University and Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology,  Guwahati. (24th November – 27th November) 2016
  6. Participated in One Day Symposium on MINITAB17- the leading statistical software for data analysis  “Application of Statistics in Industry” at Assam down town University campus, Guwahati on 25th February 2016.
  7. Poster presentation on “Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus and a comparative analysis of its antioxidant activity against a standard drug Silymarin” at “National Conference on Drug Discovery from Natural Products and their Traditional Uses- Organized by Department of Applied Biology, USTM, Meghalaya (23rd March – 24th March) 2018”.
  8. Completed 2 days hands on training on HPLC at Guwahati Biotech Park during July, 2018
  9. Oral presentation on “Study on the antioxidant profile of the leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus” at National Conference on Ethno-Medicine and Traditional Health practices in Northeast Region of India organized by NIPER- Guwahati is association with SFE (25th August, 2018). (pg 28)
  10. Oral presentation on “Antioxidant profile and antimicrobial activity of the leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus” at “National Conference on Translational Drug Discovery: Current Trends and Future Interventions (TDDCTFI)” on 10th – 11th November 2018 organized by Assam downtown University, Guwahati, Assam in association with  SBC (India) North East Chapter, Jorhat Assam and TIC, Tocklai Assam.
  11. Participated in the workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research organised by AWSAR DST Program on July 2019.
  12. Oral presentation on “GC-MS Analysis of Bioactive Compounds in leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus (Linn) at National Conference on “Bio-exploration for Human Welfare- An Integrative Approach” on 8th – 9th November 2019 organized by Faculty of Science, Assam downtown University, Guwahati, Assam in association with IASST, Guwahati and SBC (India) North East Chapter, Jorhat Assam
  13. Poster presentation on “GC-MS and FTIR Analysis of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Ethanolic Leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus and its free radical scavenging activity” at 67th Annual Technical Session cum National Seminar on “Current Developments in Science and Technology held on 6/4/2023 at Bhattadev University, Bajali, Assam
  14. Poster presentation on “LC-MS and GC-MS analysis for the identification of bioactive metabolites responsible for the antioxidant activities of Ethanolic extract of Amaranthus spinosus” at International Conference on Challenges & Prospects of Bioresource Conservation in Eastern Himalaya- with special reference to UN- sustainable Development Goals held from 3/5/2023 to 4/5/2023 at Gauhati University

Awards & Achievements

1. Attained Visharad degree in Manipuri Dance form from Bhatkhande Sangit Vidyapeeth Lucknow.

2. Attained a diploma certification in Bharatnatyam Dance form from Puspanjali Cultural Academy, Guwahati.

3. Secured the first position in All Assam Creative Dance Competition held at Guwahati, Assam in 2001.

4. Secured the first position in 16th All India Dance Competition Classical Dance Competition held at Solan, HP in 2002.

5. Secured Second position for 2 consecutive years in Annual Essay Writing Competition organised by N.F. Railway Women's Welfare Organisation.

6. Awarded "AdtU Internal Seed Money Research Grant" by the Internal Research Review Committee, AdtU for the Project Proposal titled “Structural Characterization and Molecular Docking of active compounds isolated from Amaranthus spinosus against jaundice.” in the year 2019.

7. Conferred the rank of Lieutenant on completion of the Pre Commission Course at NCC OTA gwalior