Dr. Balaram Sutradhar

Dr. Balaram Sutradhar


Human Physiology



Board/ University


Ph.D. Science; Human Physiology;

(Reg. No. TU/REG/Ph.D/Hu.Phy/10 (16-14) (2)14)

Tripura Central University


M.Sc. Human Physiology

Tripura Central University


B.Sc. Human Physiology

Tripura Central University


Personal Interest

Reading Story

Working Experience




Assistant Professor,

5th January 2023--Present

Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Assam down town University, Guwahati

Assistant Professor

1st April 2021--23rd December 2022

Holy Cross College, (Under Tripura Central University), Tripura, India.

Guest Faculty

1st September 2018 —30th June 2020

Department of Human Physiology, Tripura Central University,

Guest Faculty

1st June 2019—31st December 2020

Department of Allied Health Sciences, ICFAI University, Tripura

Guest Faculty

26th August 2011 – 30th April 2012

Department of Human Physiology, MBB College, Tripura

Sr. Research Fellow (ICMR)

2012 - 2015

Department of Human Physiology, Tripura Central University

Sr. Research Fellow (ICMR)

2017 - 2018

Dept. of Pediatrics, Agartala Govt. Medical College, Agartala

Sr. Research Fellow (ICMR)

2018 - 2019

Dept. of Pediatrics, Agartala Govt. Medical College, Agartala



Area of research interest:

Cardio-pulmonary and cardio-metabolic research, Human genetics research.

Obesity-driven metabolic diseases are the major drivers of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the modern era. My research interest is to study on CVD and to discover novel markers, effectors, and predictors of cardio metabolic disease, which refers to the nexus of cardiovascular disease and obesity-driven diseases like type 2diabetes.

Worked as research fellow in various research project:

  1. Title of the Project (2012-2015):  Nutritional and cardio respiratory status of tribal children of Tripura: Development of reference standard for spirometry. (ICMR Funding).
  2. Title of the Project (2017-2018):  Assessment of iodine status in pregnant women of some selected district of India. (ICMR Funding).

  3. Title of the project (2018-2019): Consumption pattern of food and food products / items high in fat salt and sugar among selected cities /towns and rural population of India. (ICMR Funding)

 Research Publications:

  1. Choudhuri D;  Sutradhar B. Pulmonary function of adolescents from Tripura, a North-eastern state of India.  Lung India. 2015; 32(4): 353–358.

  2. Choudhuri D; Sutradhar B. Quantitative Phenotypic Trait of Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Indian J Pediatr. 2016; 83(8):904-5.

  3. Sutradhar B. Choudhuri D. Nutritional status of adolescents of Tripura- a North eastern state of India. Biomedicine. 2017; 37(2): 274 – 278.

  4. Sutradhar B. Choudhuri D. Prevalence and predictors of pre hypertension and hypertension among school going adolescents (14–19 years) of Tripura, India. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities. 2017; 8: 179–186.

  5. Majumder N, Sutradhar B, Reang S, Datta SS. A cross sectional study on iodine status among pregnant and non pregnant women of Tripura- a North Eastern State of India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2019; 7(2):486

  6. Chakma M, Majumder N, Sutradhar B, Datta SS. A randomized clinical trial regarding comparative efficacy of quinine and artesunate in the treatment of severe malaria among children of Tripura: a North Eastern state of India. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(9); 35-37.

  7. Choudhuri D, Sutradhar B. Factors Associated with Nutritional Status of Adolescent Schoolchildren in Tripura. Indian pediatrics. 2020; 57(2):4-5.

  8. Sutradhar B, Choudhuri D, Hore S. Relative influence of overall and central body adiposity on lung function and development of lung function predictive model for adolescents in Tripura. Med J  DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2021; 14: 415-423.

  9. Majumder N, Reang AS, Sutradhar B, Das B, Majumder T, Datta SS. Rapid molecular detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampicin resistance among pediatric patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Northeast India. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2021; 20(9):57-61.

  10. Choudhuri S, Sutradhar B, Das S, Choudhuri D. Ameliorative role of selenium and zinc against reproductive toxicity due to exposure to a mixture of heavy metals lead, cadmium and arsenic in male albino rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2021; 12(4):2270.

  11. Sutradhar B, Choudhuri D. Combined effect of occupational dust exposures and cigarette smoking on pulmonary function of adults of Tripura- a North eastern state of India. 2023 ; 12(6): 67-70.

 Conference Paper:

  1. Majumder N, Sutradhar B, Reang S, Datta SS. Iodine status among pregnant and non- pregnant women of Tripura: An ICMR Task Force Study. Published in 23rd TRIPEDICON. Organised by Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Tripura. December, 2017.

Book publication:

  1. Sutradhar B; Phukan KD. Basic Concept of Hospital Practice and Patient Care. ISBN: 978-93-5860-022-3; 1st Edition; July 2023.
  2. Shil K; Wankhar D; Sutradhar B. Concise Topics of Applied Physiology- Renal Physiology. ISBN: 978-81-9799-971-0; 1st Edition; 2024.
  3. Shil K; Wankhar D; Sutradhar B. Medical Psychology for Paramrdical Sciences. ISBN:978-93-5838-384-3; 1st Edition; 2024.

Scientific Presentation: 

  1. Sutradhar B. Lung function of tribal children from Tripura, A North Eastern State of India, presented paper in XXVIth Annual National Conference of the Physiological Society of India, organized by Department of Physiology & Department of Zoology, Berhampore Girl’s College, West Bengal, India. (19-21st December, 2014).
  2. Sutradhar B. “Nutritional profile and socioeconomic status of adolescents from Tripura, a North eastern state of India”, presented paper in National Seminar on Health and Wellbeing of Adolescents and Young adults: an Indian perspective, organised by Department of Psychology, Tripura University, India. (22nd - 23rd march 2014).
  3. Sutradhar B and Choudhuri D. Evaluation of pulmonary function of tribal children from Tripura, a North eastern state of India, presented paper in 101st Indian Science Congress, Jammu. (3-7 February, 2014).

  4. Sutradhar B and Choudhuri D.“Prevalence and possible risk factors of pre-hypertension and hypertension- a study in ethnic population of Tripura, India”. presented paper in National seminar on youth in India: issues and challenges organised by Department of Psychology, Tripura University, India. (March, 2017).

 National Seminar Participated:

  1. National Webinar on Introduction to Bioinformatics. Holy Cross College, Agartala. (13th November, 2021).
  2. National seminar on water and biodiversity organised by Tripura Biodiversity Board and Department of Botany supported by National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) , New Delhi.  (22nd May, 2013). 
  3. Seminar on Molecular Biology, sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, organised by DBT Project, Department of Microbiology, AGMC in collaboration with Biotechnology Hub, Tripura University.  (6th November, 2011).

 Workshop/Training/Summer School/ Symposium/FDP:

Seven days International Virtual FDP on Transformative Research Practices: Advancing Quality and Ethical Standards across Higher Education organized by Faculty of Science, Assam down town University. (13th - 18th December, 2024.)

Five days international online workshop on Master the Art of Research and Publication AI Tools and Techniques of Research for Quick Report Writing & Quality Publication  on 26th - 30th December, 2024.

Participated online two weeks NEP orientation and sensitization programme organized by MMTC, Tripura University. 11th – 22nd March, 2024. 

Participated a two week online national level orientation cum faculty development program organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Himalayiya University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 18th – 30th March, 2024

Participated one week national level online faculty development program on outcome based education and application of generative AI in teaching and research organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Government College Kottayam, in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC). 6th – 13th March, 2024

Participated one week faculty development program on “Cognitive Computing for Smart Applications. Organized by department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Viswakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune. 18th -22nd March, 2024

2. Faculty Development Program on General Management & Research Methodology for Faculty Members of Higher Education Institutions of  NER held from 8th May 2023 to 12th May 2023. Ogrganised by Indian Institute of Management Shillong.

2. One week online FDP on emerging trends in how to do research methodology. Organised by REST Society for Research International (RSRI) Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India. 4th September 2023- 8th September 2023)

3. National Level Workshop on ‘‘Intellectual Property Rights’’. Holy Cross College, Agartala. (24-25th June, 2022).

4.Two weeks International Faculty /Knowledge Development Programme: Accreditation Awareness , Planning and Execution (APEX). Holy Cross College in collaboration with Special Minds. (16-29th April, 2022).

5. Workshop on “Statistical and Computing methods for Life Science data analysis” organized by the Biological Anthropological Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, at Department of Human Physiology and Department of Information technology, Tripura University. (14th – 19th March 2016.).

6. Workshop on Advance Biotechnology, sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India, organised by State Biotech Hub, Tripura University. (20th – 24th March 2015.).

7. “Seminar cum Workshop on Advances in Modern Biotechnology” Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, Organized by State Biotech Hub, Tripura University. (15th – 16th January 2015).

8. Workshop on The Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace ( Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) Act 2013, organized by Women’s Grievances Redressal Committee, Tripura University, in collaboration with Women’s studies centre, Tripura University.(27th November, 2014).

9. Author Workshop on “Skill development to write scientific literature, quality improvement of manuscript for publication success” organized by Springer in collaboration with Central Library, Tripura University. (18th November, 2014).

10. Author workshop on Understanding the books & Journal Article publishing process, organised by Elsevier in collaboration with Central Library, Tripura University. (26th September, 2014).

11. One day workshop on Enhancing Institutional Innovation with Intellectual Property Rights, organised by Tezpur University Intellectual Property Right Cell in collaboration with Equal Opportunity Cell, Tripura University. (21st March 2013).

12. Symposium on Integrated Approach for Teaching & Research in life Sciences, organised by Tripura University. (28-29 September, 2012).

13. Gandhi Summer School Programme 2009, organised by Centre for Gandhian Studies, Tripura University & Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samati, New Delhi. (15th November 2009).


Journal Name :  American Journal of Human Biology. 

Awards & Achievements

PhD Supervisorship (2023)

RET Fellowship, (2012) : Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, Agartala, Tripura-799022. India.